On November 11-12, 2017 I participated in the Shoreline Artist Trail open studios, presenting new, newly reworked, and legacy media. The work displayed was intended to represent a wide range of my studio projects, including pen and pencil sketchbooks from my ongoing String Series, painting Dan Electro gitar bodies, and the 3-D Fractal installation Fractalry. During the two day event fractal imagery generated by Fractalry were streamed for the two day on the abtechno.com website and on a floating canvas in the studio.
I appreciate everyone that stopped by and enjoyed many interesting conversations. I look forward to an ongoing relationship with the Shoreline and New Haven artist communities. Many thanks to my wife and children for their loving support before and during the event.
Philip Goetz, November 12, 2017.
Click Here to see > live Fractalry video stream

Above: Web streamed image on flying canvas.
Click here to see > screens from Nov 11 stream.
1st 100 Series
Above: oil/alkyd on canvas
46” x 34”
$450 or $650 with custom reclaimed wood frame
Right: oil/alkyd/paper on canvas
32” x 46”
$400 or $550 with custom reclaimed wood frame
Above: oil/alkyd/paper on canvas . 24” x 36”
$450 with custom reclaimed wood frame
RIght: oil/alkyd/paper on canvas . 36” x 48”
$850 with custom reclaimed wood frame